In June of 2013, Colleen Wallin-Cole purchased Biobridge Inc, the largest privately owned Wastewater Treatment Facility in the state of North Dakota.  ​Located in Watford City, North Dakota, Biobridge Inc. also sells water for fracking from our 10 million gallon holding pond.     

Biobridge Inc. has been testing and working on a water recycling service and have launched Biobridge with operations in Texas, New Mexico and North Dakota. 
Biobridge has the solution to the problem of water management in the Oil and Gas industry. This problem has proven a top concern among Drillers, Well-Owners, Oil Production Service companies, and Environmentalists alike. Well-Owners are concerned with maximizing profits, while communities focus their efforts on public safety and water resource management. With water at the forefront of so many conversations, the right way to address the issue is to enact smart water management via Biobridge – with water recycling at its core.
We are a also a Worldwide Purveyor of: Crude oil, WTI, Diesel, Jet fuel, Eagle ford, and other premium petroleum products. – Buy and Sell!


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